Enabling client deduplication
To enable Client Deduplication, set an attribute in the NetBackup master server
Client Attributes host properties.
To specify the clients that deduplicate backups
> HostProperties > Master Servers.
In the details pane, select the master server.
On the Actions menu, select Properties.
On the HostProperties General tab, add the clients that use client direct to
the Clients list.
Select one of the following Deduplication Location options:
■ Alwaysusethemediaserverdisables client deduplication. By default, all
clients are configured with the Always usethe media server option.
■ Prefer touse client-side deduplication uses client deduplication if the
PureDisk plug-inis active on the client.If it is not active,a normalbackup
occurs; client deduplication does not occur.
■ Always useclient-side deduplication uses client deduplication. If the
deduplication backup job fails, NetBackup retries the job.
You can override the Preferto use client-side deduplication or Always use
client-side deduplication host property in the backup policies.
SeeDisableclient-sidededuplicationinthe NetBackupAdministrator'sGuide
for UNIX and Linux, Volume I.
SeeDisableclient-sidededuplicationinthe NetBackupAdministrator'sGuide
for Windows, Volume I.
Configuring backups
When you configure a backup policy, for the Policystorage select a storage unit
that uses a deduplication pool.
For a storage lifecycle policy, for the Storage unit select a storage unit that uses
a deduplication pool.
For VMware backups, select the Mapped fullVM backup option when you
configure a VMware backup policy. TheMappedfullVMbackupoption provides
the best deduplication rates.
Configuring deduplication
Enabling client deduplication