About client deduplication limitations
Client deduplication does not support multiple copies per job. For the jobs that
specify multiplecopies, thebackup images are sentto thestorage server andmay
be deduplicated there.
Client deduplication does not support encryption.
Clientdeduplicationis nottolerantof highlatencynetworkconnections.Therefore,
Symantecrecommendsthatyouuse NetBackupPureDiskforremoteofficebackups.
About NetBackup Deduplication Engine credentials
The NetBackup Deduplication Engine requires credentials. The deduplication
components use the credentials when they communicate with the NetBackup
DeduplicationEngine. Thecredentials arefor theengine, notfor thehost onwhich
it runs.
You enter the NetBackup Deduplication Engine credentials when you configure
the storage server.
The following are the rules for the credentials:
■ For user names and passwords, you can use characters in the printable ASCII
range (0x20-0x7E) except for the following characters:
■ Asterisk (*)
■ Backward slash (\) and forward slash (/)
■ Double quote (")
■ Left parenthesis [(] and right parenthesis [)]
■ The user name can be up to 127 characters in length. The password can be up
to 100 characters in length.
■ Leading and trailing spaces and quotes are ignored.
■ The user name and password cannot be empty or all spaces.
Record and save the credentials in case you need them in the future.
Caution:You cannotchange theNetBackup DeduplicationEnginecredentials after
you enter them. Therefore, carefully choose and enter your credentials. If you
must change the credentials, contact your Symantec support representative.
Planning your deployment
About NetBackup Deduplication Engine credentials