
To view and manage VxUL log files, you must use NetBackup log commands. For
information about how to use and manage logs on NetBackup servers, see the
NetBackup Troubleshooting Guide.
Monitoring deduplication storage capacity and usage
Several options exist to monitor your deduplication storage capacity and usage.
See About deduplication capacity and usage reportingon page 87.
See About deduplication container fileson page 89.
See Viewing capacity within deduplication container fileson page 89.
About deduplication capacity and usage reporting
Several factors may affect the expected usage results, as follows:
Expiredbackupsmay notchangethe availablesize andtheused size.Anexpired
backup may have no unique data segments. Therefore, the segments remain
valid for other backups.
NetBackup Deduplication Manager clean-up may not have run yet. The
Deduplication Manager performs clean up twice a day. Until it performs
clean-up, deleted image fragments remain on disk.
If you use operating system tools to examine storage space usage, their results
may not match the usage reported by NetBackup, as follows:
The operating system tools cannot report usage accurately. The storage
implementation uses container files. Deleted segments can leave free space
in container files, but the container file sizes do not change.
Ifotherapplications usethestorage, NetBackupcannotreport usageaccurately.
NetBackup requires exclusive use of the storage.
Table 6-3 describes the options for monitoring capacity and usage.
Table 6-3
Capacity and usage reporting
The DiskPools window of the NetBackup Administration
is displayed in theStorageServer window.
>Devices> DiskPools.
DiskPools window
87Managing deduplication
Monitoring deduplication storage capacity and usage