
Table 2-1
Deployment overview (continued)
Where to find the informationDeployment task
See Replacing the PureDisk Deduplication Option
with Media Server Deduplication on the same host
on page 33.
SeeMigratingfromPureDiskto theNetBackup Media
Server Deduplication option on page 34.
Replace a PDDO host or migrate
from PDDO to NetBackup
See Migrating from another storage type to
deduplication on page 35.
Migrate from other storage to
NetBackup deduplication
About the deduplication storage type
The deduplication storage type depends on the destination for the deduplicated
data, as follows:
The disk storage that is attached to a NetBackup media server.
If you use this destination, use this guide to plan, implement, configure, and
managededuplication andthe storage.When youconfigure thestorage server,
select Media ServerDeduplication Pool as the storage type.
A PureDisk storage pool.
If you use a PureDisk storage pool, use the PureDisk documentation to plan,
implement, configure, and manage the storage.
NetBackup deduplication requires that PureDisk be at release 6.6 or later.
See the NetBackup PureDisk Getting Started Guide.
After you configure the storage, use this guide to configure backups and
deduplication in NetBackup. When you configure the storage server, select
PureDisk DeduplicationPool as the storage type.
You can use one or both of the destinations for NetBackup deduplication.
About the NetBackup Media Server Deduplication
NetBackupMediaServerDeduplication Optionexistsinthe SymantecOpenStorage
framework. A storage server writes data to the storage and reads data from the
storage;the storage server mustbe a NetBackup mediaserver. The storage server
hoststhe core components ofdeduplication. The storage serveralso deduplicates
the backup data. It is known as a deduplication storage server.
19Planning your deployment
About the deduplication storage type