
NetBackup Deduplication Engine queue processing.
Operations that require database updates accumulate in a transaction queue.
Twice a day, the NetBackup Deduplication Manager directs the deduplication
engine to process the queue as one batch. The schedule is frequency-based.
By default, queue processing occurs every 12 hours,20 minutespast the hour.
Queue processing is CPU-bound. The postgres database process usually
consumes 100% of the CPU cycles during queue processing.
NetBackup Deduplication Engine garbage collection.
In a few rare scenarios, some data segments may become orphaned. Garbage
collection cleans these segments up by removing them.
Garbage collection is an unobtrusive process; once a week the NetBackup
DeduplicationManager directsthe deduplication engineto collectand remove
NetBackup cannot change the maintenance process schedules. Because these
processes do not block any other deduplication process, rescheduling should not
be necessary. However, it you must reschedule these processes, contact your
Symantec support representative.
See NetBackup Deduplication Manager logson page 84.
91Managing deduplication
About maintenance processing