
If the destination is a PureDisk DeduplicationPool: Configure a media
server that accesses the PureDisk Storage Pool Authority host as a load
balancing server for the source storage server.
To use more than one media server for the optimized copy operation, each
additional one must be common between them .If you select more than one,
NetBackup balances the optimized copy job load among them.
All of the media servers that are selected in the destination storage unit must
be common with the source storage server.
In the storageunit forthe destination disk pool, select Onlyusethefollowing
mediaservers. Then,select themediaserver ormedia serversthatare common
to both the source storage server and the destination storage server.
For example, the following figure shows the destination storage unit media
server selection for the optimized duplication that is show inFigure 2-3. Host
D is the only common host, so it is selected in the destination storage unit.
Planning your deployment
About optimized duplication of deduplicated data