Table 5-2
Media server deduplication pool properties (continued)
Selecttolimit thenumberofread andwritestreams(that is,jobs)
for each volume in the disk pool. A job may read backup images
or write backupimages. By default, thereis no limit. Ifyou select
this property, also configure the number of streams to allow per
When the limit is reached, NetBackup chooses another volume
for write operations, if available. If not available, NetBackup
queues jobs until a volume is available.
Too many streams may degrade performance because of disk
thrashing. Disk thrashing is excessive swapping of data between
RAM and a hard disk drive. Fewer streams can improve
in a specific time period.
Select orenterthe numberof readand writestreams toallow per
Manyfactorsaffecttheoptimal numberof streams.Factorsinclude
but are not limited to disk speed, CPU speed, and the amount of
Configuring a deduplication storage unit
Create one or more storage units that reference the disk pool.
The Disk PoolConfiguration Wizard lets you create a storage unit; therefore,
you may have created a storage unit when you created a disk pool. To determine
ifstorage units exist forthe disk pool,see the NetBackupManagement>Storage
> StorageUnits window of the Administration Console.
To configure a storage unit from the Actions menu
> Storage> Storage Units.
On the Actions menu, select New >Storage Unit.
Complete the fields in the New StorageUnit dialog box.
See “Deduplication storage unit properties” on page 53.
See “Deduplication storage unit recommendations” on page 54.
Configuring deduplication
Configuring a deduplication storage unit