About the deduplication configuration file
Oneach hostthat deduplicatesdata, apd.conf file containsconfiguration settings
forthe deduplication. You canedit the file toconfigure advanced settings forthat
If youchange thepd.conf fileon ahost, itchanges thesettings for thathost only.
If you want the same settings for all of the hosts that deduplicate data, you must
change the pd.conf file on all of the hosts.
The pd.conf file resides in the following directories:
■ (UNIX) /usr/openv/lib/ost-plugins/
■ (Windows) install_path\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\ost-plugins
Editing the deduplication configuration file
The pd.conf file contains the configuration settings that control the operation
of deduplication on each host.
If youchange thepd.conf fileon ahost, itchanges thesettings for thathost only.
If you want the same settings for all of the hosts that deduplicate data, you must
change the pd.conf file on all of the hosts.
See “About the deduplication configuration file” on page 60.
To edit the pd.conf file
Use a text editor to open the pd.conf file.
The pd.conf file resides in the following directories:
■ (UNIX) /usr/openv/lib/ost-plugins/
■ (Windows) install_path\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\ost-plugins
See “About the deduplication configuration file” on page 60.
To activate a setting, remove the pound character (#) in column 1 from each
line that you want to edit.
To change a setting, specify a new value.
Note: The spaces to the left and right of the equal sign (=) in the file are
significant. Ensure that the space characters appear in the file after you edit
the file.
See “pd.conf file settings” on page 61.
Configuring deduplication
About the deduplication configuration file