About the network interface for deduplication
If the server host has more than one network interface, by default the host
operating system determines which network interface to use. However, you can
specify which interface NetBackup should use for the deduplication traffic.
To use a specific interface, enter that interface name when you configure the
deduplication storage server.
Caution: You cannot change the network interface after NetBackup configures
the deduplication storage server. Therefore, carefully enter the properties.
About firewalls and the deduplication hosts
If firewalls exist between the various deduplication hosts, open ports 10082 and
10102 between those hosts. Deduplication hosts are the deduplication storage
server,the load balancingservers, and theclients that deduplicatetheir own data.
About scaling deduplication
You can scale deduplication processing to improve performance by using load
balancing servers or client deduplication or both.
Ifyouconfigureload balancingservers,thoseservers alsoperformdeduplication.
The deduplication storage server still functions as both a deduplication server
and as a storage server. NetBackup uses standard load balancing criteria to select
a load balancing server for each job. However, deduplication fingerprint
calculations are not part of the load balancing criteria.
Tocompletely removethe deduplicationstorage serverfrom deduplicationduties,
do the following for every storage unit that uses the deduplication disk pool:
■ Select Only usethe following media servers.
■ Select all of the load balancing servers but do not select the deduplication
storage server.
The deduplication storage serverperforms storageserver tasksonly: storingand
managing the deduplicated data, file deletion, and optimized duplication.
Ifyou configure clientdeduplication, the clientsdeduplicate theirown data. Some
of the deduplication load is removed from the deduplication storage server and
loading balancing servers.
Symantec recommends the following strategies to scale deduplication:
27Planning your deployment
About the network interface for deduplication