
For a backup, the NetBackup client software creates the image of backed up files
as for a normal backup. The client sends the backup image to the deduplication
storage server, which deduplicates the data. The deduplication storage server
writes the data to disk.
See About deduplication serverson page 21.
The NetBackup Media Server Deduplication Option is integrated intoNetBackup.
It uses the NetBackup administration interfaces, commands, and processes for
configuringand executingbackups andfor configuringand managingthe storage.
Deduplicationoccurs whenNetBackup backsup aclient toa deduplication storage
destination. You donot have to use the separatePureDisk interfaces to configure
and use deduplication.
The NetBackup Media Server Deduplication Option integrates with NetBackup
applicationagents that areoptimized forthe client streamformat. Agentsinclude
but are not limited to Microsoft Exchange and Microsoft SharePoint Agents.
Figure2-1shows NetBackupmediaserverdeduplication. Thededuplicationstorage
serveris amediaserver onwhich thededuplicationcore componentsare enabled.
Planning your deployment
About the NetBackup Media Server Deduplication Option