
If you use your destination storage unit to back up clients, you can create a
differentstorage unitfor thosejobs. In that storage unit,select allof thehosts
in that node that you want to use for deduplication.
If you select the common server from the destination node in the source node
storage unit, NetBackup uses i5 for deduplication. Therefore, do not select it in
the storage unit for source node (unless you want to use it for the source node).
For example, for the storage unit for the backup jobs for node A in Figure 2-3, do
not select Host D (shown in the following figure):
Optimized deduplication copy limitations
The following are limitations for optimized deduplication copy:
NetBackupdoesnot supportaPureDisk storagepoolas thesource foroptimized
duplication.Therefore,you cannotuseoptimized duplicationfroma PureDisk
storage pool to a media server deduplication pool or to another PureDisk
storage pool.
If an optimized duplication job fails, NetBackup does not run the job again.
See Configuring optimized deduplication copy behavioron page 57.
31Planning your deployment
About optimized duplication of deduplicated data