form to view who is logged into each port and the processes they are running. Open sessions
are displayed with their identification and statistical data, the related data such as CPU usage
for a specific client, JCPU processes and PCPU processing time.
The Kill Sessions and Refresh buttons either end or refresh the selected session.
The following table defines the active ports sessions form fields.
Field Name Definition
User Firsteightcharactersof the username.
TTY Connection method.
From Wherethe networkconnection isfrom.
Logintimeinhoursand minutes.If loginwasnoton the same day,the date of login
Idle How longsince lastactivity.
Theamountof CPUtimeconsumedbyallactiveprocessesincluding currently
runningbackground jobs.
PCPU The amountof CPU timeconsumedbythe current process.
What Nameof the currentprocess.
Table 8.2: Expert - Active Ports Sessions Information
To view, kill or refresh active user sessions:
1. Go to Security - Active Ports Sessions. The Active Ports Sessions form appears.
2. To refresh the display, click the Refresh button. If you are using this form to view the
information you are done.
3. To kill a session, select the desired session and click the Kill Sessions button.
Selecting Security - Authentication displays the form shown in the following figure, which
includes six tabs, AuthType, RADIUS, TACACS+, LDAP, Kerberos and NIS.
You can use the Authentication forms to select a method for authenticating logins to the
console server or to identify authentication servers that are configured for logins either to the
console server or to the serial ports.
92 Cyclades
ACS5000 Installation/Administration/User Guide