To configure time and date using an NTP server:
NTP is disabled by default.
1. Go to Administration - Time/Date in Expert mode. The Time/Date form displays.
2. Select a time zone from the Timezone pull-down list.
3. Select Enable from the Network Time Protocol pull-down menu.
4. Type the IP address of the NTP server in the NTP Server field.
5. Click OK.
6. Click apply changes.
Setting up a customized timezone configuration
The Edit Custom button next to the Timezone field allows you to set up a customized time
zone function, such as for daylight savings time or any other time zone offset anomaly that
might occur anywhere in the world. You can create a time zone identifier of your choice, which
is added to the Timezone pull-down menu options in the main Time/Date form.
To create a custom timezone selection:
1. Enter the name of the time zone you would like to appear in the Timezone pull-down
menu on the main Time/Date form. (For example, Pacific).
2. Choose a preferred or standard acronym for the time zone (For example, PST).
3. Enter the offset from GMT for the time zone (west of GMT is entered as a negative
4. Click OK.
5. Click apply changes.
To use the custom option to set daylight savings time:
1. Select the Enable daylight saving time checkbox. A Timezone Configuration dialog box
2. Enter the daylight savings time (DST) acronym of your choice in the DST Acronym field.
3. Enter the number of hours and minutes (HH:MM format) the clock will be reset at the
beginning of the daylight savings time period (positive number only.)
4. In the following fields, enter the date (month, day) and time (hours:minutes) for both the
beginning and ending dates of daylight savings time.
5. Click OK to update the Time/Date settings and return to the main Time/Date form.
136 Cyclades
ACS5000 Installation/Administration/User Guide