NOTE: If youchoose touseDHCPand haveselected IPv4 enabled(option0),theIPv4Current Configuration
verificationscreenwillbedisplayedasshown below.
*********** C O N F I G U R A T I O N W I Z A R D ***********
Current configuration:
Hostname : Rogreto
Domain name : corp.company.com
Primary DNS Server :
Second DNS Server : #
IPv4 Configuration:
DHCP : enabled
IPv6 Configuration: Disable
Are all these parameters correct? (y/n) [n] :
3. Verify that the configuration is correct and press Enter. You will be prompted to activate
the configuration settings.
4. If you typed n to change the default static IP address, enter a valid IPv4 system address.
System IP[]: <ACS_5000_console_server_IP_address>
5. Press Enter. Enter the IP address for the gateway.
Gateway IP[eth0] : <gateway_IP_address>
6. Press Enter. Enter the netmask for the subnetwork.
Network Mask[#] : <netmask>
7. Press Enter.
NOTE: If youhaveselectedIPv4enabledandhavesetthe staticIP,gatewayandnetmaskaddresses,the IPv4
Current Configurationverificationscreenwillbedisplayed.CheckallparametersandpressEnter.You willbe
prompted to activate theconfigurationsettings.
To configure for IPv6 protocol:
1. If you entered option 1 or 2 for IP version configuration, the IPv6 Configuration Method
form will be displayed.
2. Choices for IPv6 configuration are Stateless Only (0), Static (1) or DHCP (2). The default is
Stateless Only. Type the number corresponding to your choice and press Enter. The choice
you enter selects the method used to assign the IPv6 system address.
20 Cyclades
ACS5000 Installation/Administration/User Guide