6. Click apply changes.
Boot Configuration
Boot configuration defines the location from which the console server loads the operating
system. The console server can boot from its internal firmware or from the network. By default,
the console server boots from Flash memory. Selecting Administration - Boot Configuration in
Expert mode displays the Boot Configuration form.
If you need to boot from the network, you need to make sure the following prerequisites are
• A TFTP or BootP server must be available on the network
• An upgraded console server boot image file must be downloaded from Avocent and made
available on the TFTP or BootP server
• The console server must be configured with a fixed IP address
• The boot filename and the IP address of the TFTP or BootP server is known
The following table describes the boot configuration form fields.
Field Name Definition
IPAddressassigned to
AfixedIP addressor aDHCPassigned IPaddresstothe consoleserver.
Whether thewatchdog timer isactive or inactive.If the watchdog timer isactive,the
console server rebootsifthe softwarecrashes.
Unitboot from Specifywhether to boot the console server from Flashor from thenetwork.
BootType Select tobootfroma TFTPserver,a BootPserver or both.
BootFileName Filenameof thebootprogram.
Server’sIPAddress The IPaddressofthe TFTPor the BootPserver.
ConsoleSpeed Analternativeconsolespeed from 4800 to115200(9600 isthedefault).
FlashTest Selecttotestboot fromtheFlashcard.Youcanskip thistestor doa fulltest.
RAM Test SelecttotestbootfromRAM.You can skipthistest,doaquicktestor a fulltest.
Table 10.6: Boot Configuration Form Fields
Chapter 10: Administration Menu and Forms 137