Upgrade Firmware
Selecting Administration - Upgrade Firmware in Expert mode displays the Upgrade Firmware
form. You can use this form to configure an automated upgrade of the console server’s
firmware, which includes the Kernel, applications and configuration files. The firmware is
upgradeable using an FTP server.
NOTE: Downloadreleasedfirmwarefrom theAvocent siteto alocalftpserver.Checkthefilename for theupgrade
versionand read theupgradeinstructionscarefully.Distinctproceduresarerequired dependingonthe versionyou
The following table describes the fields in the Upgrade Firmware form.
Field/Menu Name Definition
Type FTPisthe onlysupportedtype.
FTPSite TheURL of theFTPserver wherethe firmwareislocated.
Username Username recognized bytheFTPserver.
Password Password associatedwiththeusername.
PathandFileName Thepathname ofthefirmwareon the FTPserver.
RunChecksum Runsthechecksum programto verifytheaccuracyofthe uploadeddata.
Table 10.8: Expert - Upgrade Firmware Form Fields
To upgrade the console server firmware:
This procedure is for upgrading the latest release of the console server firmware. The upgrade
installs the software on the Flash memory.
1. Go to Administration - Upgrade Firmware. The Upgrade Firmware form displays.
2. Enter the URL of the FTP server in the FTP Site field.
3. Enter the username recognized by the FTP server in the Username field.
4. Enter the password associated with the username on the FTP server in the Password field.
5. Enter the path name of the file on the FTP server in the Path and Filename field.
6. Use the drop-down menu to enable or disable Run Checksum.
7. Click the Upgrade Now button.
8. Click cancel changes if you need to restore the backed up configuration files.
140 Cyclades
ACS5000 Installation/Administration/User Guide