The Access form lists the currently defined users and features Add, Change Password and
Delete buttons.
In the Users list by default, there is a root account that cannot be deleted. The root has access
privileges to all the web manager’s functionality as well as access to all the serial ports on the
console server.
Click the Add button.
The following table defines the information required in the fields.
Field name Definition
User Name Theusername for theaccountbeingadded.
Thepassword for theaccount.
Thechoicesinthe Group menuareRegular User [Default]or Admin.
NOTE: To configurea user tobeableto performadministrativefunctions,select
the Admin group.
Optional.Thedefaultshellwhen theuser makesanSSH or a Telnetconnection.
Choicesare:sh[Default]or bash.
Comments Optionalnotesaboutthe user’sroleor configuration.
Table 5.5: Wizard - Add User Dialog: Field Names and Definitions
To add a user:
1. Select Step 3: Access. The Access form displays.
2. Click Add. The Add User dialog box appears.
3. Enter the username and password in the User Name and Password fields and enter the
password again in the Repeat Password field.
4. Select from the Group menu options.
a. To create a regular user account without administrator privileges, select Regular User
[Default] from the Group pull-down menu.
b. To create an account with administrator privileges, select Admin from the Group pull-
down menu.
5. Enter the default shell in the Shell field (optional).
Chapter 5: Configuring the Console Server in Wizard Mode 45