a. Enter the IP address of the console server in the Primary Address field.
b. Enter the netmask in the Network Mask field.
c. Enter the address of the secondary console server in the Secondary Address field, if
d. Specify the network mask of the secondary IP in the Secondary Network Mask field.
e. Specify the desired maximum transmission unit in the Maximum Transmission Unit
4. When finished, click apply changes.
To configure IPv6 protocol:
1. If IPv6 is enabled (tab is active), select the IPv6 tab. The IPv6 form will be displayed.
2. From the DHCPv6 pull-down menu, select None, DNS, Domain or DNS-Domain. If DHCP
is selected, then the DHCP options will define the address configuration information is
retrieved from the DHCPv6 server. DHCP options are:
• None (only the IP address will be retrieved)
• DNS (the DNS address will be retrieved from the DHCPv6 server)
• Domain (the domain path will be retrieved from the DHCPv6 server)
• DNS-Domain (both DNS server and domain path will be retrieved from the DHCPv6
NOTE: If either DNSor DNS-Domainisselected,DNSServiceand itsassociatedfieldswillnotbe displayed.
3. Under Ethernet Port, complete or edit the following fields as necessary.
a. Choose your configuration method from the Method pull-down menu. Choices are
Stateless only, Static or DHCP.
NOTE: It isrecommendedthat Statelessonlybeusedonlywhen none of theother methodsisavailable. This
meansthatlocalconfigurationfrom the localrouter and onlythelink_localaddresswillbeavailableto the ACS5000
console server.
b. If the DNS Service fields are active (none or Domain DHCP selected in Step 2) and
Static has been selected under Ethernet Port, enter the Primary DNS server IP address.
If there is a backup DNS server, enter the address of the secondary DNS server in the
Secondary DNS server field.
4. When finished, click apply changes.
Chapter 7: Network Menu and Forms 73