Backup Configuration
Selecting Administration - Backup Config in Expert mode displays the Backup Configuration
NOTE: Use anFTPserver to saveand retrieveyour console server configuration.For thebackupconfigurationto
work,the FTPserver mustbe on the same subnet.Ensurethat itisaccessiblefrom the console server bypinging
the FTP server.
The following table describes the available fields and buttons in the Backup Config form.
Field Definition
Server IP
IPaddressofan FTPserver onthe same subnetastheconsole server. (Verify
accessibilitybypinging theFTPserver.)
Pathofadirectoryonthe FTPserver where youhavewriteaccessfor savingthe
backupcopyoftheconfigurationfile.Specifyafilename if you wishto savethefile
under another name.
Username and Password Obtainthe user name and password tousefrom the FTPserver’sadministrator.
Save Savesthe configuration.
Downloadsapreviouslysavedcopyoftheconfigurationfilefrom theselected
Table 10.7: Backup Configuration Settings Using FTP Server
To back up or restore the configuration files using an FTP server:
1. Go to Administration - Backup Config in Expert mode.
2. Enter the IP address of the FTP server in the Server IP field.
3. Enter the directory path on the FTP server where you have write permissions in the Path
and Filename field. Enter the filename after the directory path. For example,
4. Enter the username and password provided by your system administrator for the FTP server.
5. To backup a copy of the current configuration files, click the Save button.
6. To download a previously saved copy of the configuration files, click the Load button.
Chapter 10: Administration Menu and Forms 139