
Field Name Definition
Destination Locationfor the data files.Either Localor Remote.
Mode (LocalDestination)
Willbe either circular or linear.In circular mode, data iswrittenintothe specified
localdatafileuntiltheupper limiton the filesizeisreached; then thedatais
overwrittenstarting fromthetop ofthefileasadditionaldata comesin.Circular
bufferingrequiresthe administrator tosetup processesto examinethedata
during the timeframe before the data isoverwrittenbynew data.In linear mode,
the kernelserialdriver buffer isusedto storethe Rxdata.Oncethe 4Kbis
reached,aflow controlstopisissued topreventtheserialportfromreceiving
further datafrom theremotepeer.
File Size (Bytes) (Local
Themaximum filesizefor the data buffer file.The filesizemustbegreater than
NFSFilePath (Remote
Thepathfor themountpointof thedirectorywheredatabuffer fileisto be
NOTE: The NFS server mustalreadybeconfigured withthe mountpoint
shared (exported) andthe shareddirectoryfrom the NFS server mustbe
mountedon the consoleserver.
Recordthe timestamp. Save atimestampwiththedata inthe data buffer file.
SyslogServer TheIP addressfor the preconfiguredSyslog server.
Choosea facilitynumber to assign totheconsoleserver. Obtainthefacility
number for theconsoleserver fromthesystem administrator ofthe syslog
server. Thefacilitynumber isincludedinanysyslog message generated from
the consoleserver.The server’sadministrator canusefacilitynumberstoisolate
logsfrom individualdevicesintoindividualfiles.
Optionsrangefrom Local0toLocal7.
SyslogBuffer Size Maximum sizeof the buffer inthe Syslogserver.
Buffer SysLog atalltimes Asindicated.
Buffer SysLog onlywhenno
user isconnectedtothe port
Hostname Discovery
Checktoenablethe consoleserver to attemptto discover thehostname ofthe
server connectedtothe serialport.
Table 9.6: Data Buffering Form Fields
Chapter 9: Ports Menu and Forms 115