Under Ports - Physical Ports in Expert Mode, select one or more serial ports and click Modify
Port(s). Select Access form from the tabbed menu. The Access form appears.
The following table describes the menu and fields on the Access form.
Field Description
Restrictor denyaccesstoa serialportbyspecifyingone or more usersor
Youcandenyaccesstoone or more usersor groupsbyenteringan exclamation
point(!) before the user or group name.
For example,to explicitlydenyaccesstoauser callednoadminand enable
accessonlytoasingleuser called johnd youwouldenter the following:
!noadmin,johnd. Successive namesareseparated byacomma.
Selectan authenticationtypefor theserialportfromthepull-down list.The
NOTE: AuthenticationtypeNone isnota validoption whenthe serialportis
configuredfor Power Managementconnectionprotocol.Thesystem defaults
toLocalifno authenticationtypeisselected.
Configurethetimefor theserialporttoreturn toidle state, iftheusername isnot
typedinthe terminalafter theloginbanner isdisplayed.The defaulttimeout
Thisfieldisavailableonlywhen aBidirectionalTelnetprotocolisselectedfrom
Ports- PhysicalPorts- General- ConnectionProtocol.
Specifythemenushellcommand inthisfield,for example, /bin/menushand
builda custommenufor theTSprofileusingthewebmanager,Applications-
TerminalProfile Menu form.
Thisfieldisavailableonlywhen aBidirectionalTelnetprotocolisselectedfrom
Ports- PhysicalPorts- General- ConnectionProtocol.
Table 9.4: Access Form Menu and Fields
To configure user access to serial ports:
Use this procedure if you wish to specify a list of authorized users or groups.
1. Go to Ports - Physical Ports in Expert mode and select a port or ports to modify.
112 Cyclades
ACS5000 Installation/Administration/User Guide