Field Name Definition
NotificationAlarmfor DataBuffering Enablebyplacing acheckmarkinthisfield
[unlabeled view table] Listofalarm typesandtriggers
[unlabeled dropdownlist] Email, pager or SNMPnotification methods
Table 10.2: Notifications Form Fields
Clicking the Add button or selecting a previously specified event, then clicking the Edit button
displays the Notifications Entry dialog box.
The form allows you to define alarm trigger actions and specify how to handle them. Different
fields appear on the dialog boxes depending on whether Email, Pager or SNMP Trap
notification have been selected from the Notifications form.
To choose a method for sending notifications for serial port data bufferingevents:
1. Go to Administration - Notifications in Expert mode. The Notifications form displays.
2. Enable Notification Alarm for Data Buffering by clicking the checkbox.
3. Select Email, Pager or SNMP Trap from the pull-down menu.
4. To create a new entry for an event to trigger an alarm or notification, click the Add button.
5. To edit a previously-configured trigger, click the Edit button.
Email Notifications Entry
When you select Email from the pull-down menu and click either the Add or Edit button, the
Email Notification dialog box is displayed. The following table describes the available fields in
the email notification entry dialog box.
Field Name Definition
AlarmTrigger Thetrigger expressionusedto generatean alarm.
[untitled dropdownfield]
Thefirsttimeyouspecifyanalarm trigger thepull-down menuisempty.Anew
trigger getslisted in themenuafter itiscreated.
To/From/Subject/Body Theemailfor the designated recipient ofthealarm notification.
SMTPServer IP TheIPaddressofthe SMTPserver.
SMTPPort Theport usedbythe SMTPserver.
Table 10.3: Email Notifications Dialog Box Fields
Chapter 10: Administration Menu and Forms 131