3. In the User field, enter the username.
4. In the Outlets field, enter the group name, IPDU number and outlets that the user can
5. Click OK.
Outlet entry conventions
In the most basic case, only the IPDU’s ID and the outlets named in brackets following the ID
are needed to specify which outlets will be accessible by the user. It is sometimes desirable to
have more control over outlet groups, daisy-chained IPDUs or which serial port on the console
server must be used for the permissions to be valid. The following table shows the prefix, suffix
and syntax information used to specify outlets in various circumstances.
Symbol Type Signifies Example
$ Prefix Group
$Cyclades_PDU wouldspecifytheCyclades_PDU outletsgroup,and
that the user specifiedhaspermissionto controlthat group ofoutlets.
!ttyS Prefix Serialport
!ttyS2 wouldspecifyserialport2onthe consoleserver wouldbe the
onlyonethe user wouldhavepermissionstousefor IPDU management,
regardlessofthe IPDU or outletsspecified.
Athrough Z Suffix
Order of
!ttyS2-B[1-8] wouldindicate that serialport2 ontheconsoleserver
wouldbe usedto controlthe secondIPDU inthechain(B),followedby
the outletor rangeof outletsonthat IPDU with user permissions.
Table 6.6: Conventions Used in Specifying Outlets for User Accessibility
NOTE: Daisy-chainedIPDUs(A,B,C,etc.) create sequentiallynumberedoutletsacrossIPDUs.
The following figure shows two daisy-chained (master/slave) IPDUs connected to serial port 2
on the console server.
Figure 6.2: Various Outlet Designations on Daisy-chained IPDUs
Number Description
Consoleserver withserialconnectionshownat Port2.The IPDU canbe connectedtoanyserialport.
ThisisthefirstIPDUinthe chain.
ThisisthesecondIPDU inthe chain.
Table 6.7: Outlet Designations on Daisy-chained IPDUs (PM10 shown)
There are three methods to specify an outlet. The following table describes the three methods.
64 Cyclades
ACS5000 Installation/Administration/User Guide