8. When finished, click Done.
9. Click apply changes.
To associate an alias to a serial port:
An alias can be associated to a port when it is individually selected for modification. To
associate an alias to a port perform the following steps.
1. Go to Ports - Physical Ports in Expert mode, select a port to modify and click the Modify
Ports button.
2. Enter the desired string in the Alias field.
3. Click Done.
4. Click apply changes.
NOTE: The Aliasfieldcannot besetifyouselecttheModifyAllPortsbutton.
To configure serial port settings to match the connected devices:
The settings for a serial port must match the connection settings on the connected device.
1. Go to Ports - Physical Ports in Expert mode and select a port or ports to modify. The
General form appears.
2. To change the baud rate, select an option from 2400 to 230400 Kbps from the Baud Rate
pull-down menu. The default is 9600.
3. To change the flow control, select None, Hardware or Software from the Flow Control
pull-down menu. The default is None.
4. To change the parity, select None, Odd or Even from the Parity pull-down menu. The
default is None.
5. To change the data size, select an option from 5 to 8 from the Data pull-down menu. The
default is 8.
6. To change the stop bits, select 1 or 2 from the stop bits pull-down menu. The default is 1.
7. To change whether the DCD (Data Carrier Detect) State is disregarded or not, select either
Disregard or Regard.
8. Click Done.
9. Click apply changes.
Chapter 9: Ports Menu and Forms 111