Field Name Definition
Fast Ethernet
Thespeed ofthe Ethernet connection. Selectthe appropriateEthernet settingif
you need to change the AutoNegotiation (defaultvalue):
100BaseT Half-Duplex
100BaseT Full-Duplex
10BaseT Half-Duplex
10BaseT Full-Duplex
Fast EthernetMax.
Themaximum number of packetsthattheCPU handlesbeforean interrupt(0is
To configure the console server boot:
1. Go to Administration - Boot Configuration in Expert mode. The Boot Configuration form
2. Enter the IP address of the console server in the IP Address assigned to Ethernet field.
3. Accept or change the selected option in the Watchdog Timer field.
4. Select Flash or Network from the Unit boot from menu.
5. Select TFTP, BootP or Both from the Boot Type menu if you have selected Network from
the Unit boot from in step 4.
6. Accept or change the filename of the boot program in the Boot File Name field.
7. If specifying network boot, perform the following steps:
a. Enter the IP address of the TFTP or BootP server in the Server’s IP Address field.
b. Select a console speed from the Console Speed pull-down menu to match the speed of
the terminal you are using on the console port of the console server.
c. Select Skip or Full from the Flash Test pull-down menu to bypass or run a test on the
Flash memory at boot time.
d. Select Skip, Quick or Full from the RAM Test pull-down menu to bypass or run a test
on the RAM at boot time.
e. Choose an Ethernet speed from the Fast Ethernet pull-down menu.
f. Specify the maximum number of packets that the CPU handles before an interrupt in
the Fast Ethernet Max. Interrupt Events field.
8. Click apply changes.
138 Cyclades
ACS5000 Installation/Administration/User Guide