Field name Definition
Thetrap typeasdefinedinthe MIB.The choicesare:
EGPNeighbor Loss
Enterprise Specific
Community The passwordusedto authenticatethe traps.
Server TheIP addressofthe server running the SNMP.
Body Thecontent ofthenotification.
To configure a trigger for SNMP trap notification for serial ports:
1. Go to Administration - Notifications in Expert mode, select SNMP Trap from the pull-
down menu. If desired, enable Notification Alarm for Data Buffering for an alarm to sound
when the trigger action occurs and click either Add or Edit. The Notifications Entry dialog
box isdisplayed.
2. Specify the event you wish to trigger a notification for in the Alarm Trigger field.
3. If you need to edit an existing notification, select it from the pull-down list and proceed.
4. Enter or change the number in the OID Type Value field.
5. Accept the trap number or select a new one from the Trap Number pull-down menu.
6. Enter a community in the Community field.
7. Enter the IP address of the SMTP Server.
8. Enter a message in the Body text area.
9. Click OK.
10. Click apply changes.
134 Cyclades
ACS5000 Installation/Administration/User Guide