CAUTION: Do not pushanyobjectsthroughtheopeningsoftheCycladesACS5000 advancedconsoleserver.
Doingsocancause fireor electricshockbyshortingoutinterior components.
Zur Vermeidung von Brandgefahr oder elektrischen Schlägen bitte keine Gegenstände durch
die Öffnungen des Cyclades ACS 5000 stecken.
CAUTION: Keepyour CycladesACS5000 advancedconsoleserver awayfrom heat sourcesanddonot block
Der Cyclades ACS 5000 muss vor Hitzequellen geschützt werden und die Lüfterausgänge
dürfen nicht blockiert sein.
CAUTION: Thisunithasoneor two power supplycords.Disconnectthe power supplycordbefore servicingto
Cet appareil comporte un ou deux cordon d’alimentations. Afin de prévenir les choc
électriques, debrancer les cordons d’alimentation avant de fairt le dépannage.
Das Geraet hat entweder ein oder zwei Netzverbindungen. Um elektrischen Schlag zu
vermeiden muessen die Netzverbindungen getrennt sein bevor Wartungsarbeiten vorgenommen
Working inside the console server
Do not attempt to service the console server yourself, except when following instructions from
Avocent Technical Support personnel. In the latter case, first take the following precautions:
1. Turn the console server off.
2. Ground yourself by touching an unpainted metal surface on the back of the equipment
before touching anything inside the unit.
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Precautions
When handling any electronic component or assembly, you must observe the following
antistatic precautions to prevent damage.
• Always wear a grounded wrist strap when working around printed circuit boards,
• Treat all assemblies, components and interface connections as static-sensitive,
• Avoid working in carpeted areas and
• Keep body movement to a minimum while removing or installing boards to minimize the
buildup of static charge.
148 Cyclades
ACS5000 Installation/Administration/User Guide