Menu Option Description
Yes(show menu)
ASniffer menu ispresented to theuser and theycanchooseto:
Opena sniffsession
Opena read/writesession
Senda message to other usersconnectedto thesame serialport.
Read/Write(do notshow
Read/writesessionsare openedand the sniffer menu won’tbepresented.
ReadOnly(do not show
Readonlysessionsareopenedand the sniffer menuwon’tbe presented.
To configure multiple sessions and port sniffing for one or more serial ports:
1. Go to Ports - Physical Ports in Expert mode and select a port or ports to modify.
2. Click the Multi User tab.
3. To allow or to prevent multiple sessions, select an option from the Allow Multiple
Sessions pull-down menu. The options are: No, Yes (show menu), Read/Write (do not
show menu) and ReadOnly.
4. To configure the type of data that displays on the monitor in a port-sharing session, select
an option from the Sniff Mode pull-down menu.
5. If you have allowed multiple sessions, complete the following fields.
a. Add user names to the Privilege Users field.
b. Enter a hotkey in the Menu Hotkey field to display the sniffer menu on the monitor.
The default shown is ^z. The caret stands for the Ctrl key.
c. Enable the Notify Users field, if desired.
6. Click Done.
7. Click apply changes.
Power Management
Under Ports - Physical Ports in Expert Mode, after you select one or more serial ports and click
the Modify Port(s), you can select the Power Management form from the tabbed menu (it will
118 Cyclades
ACS5000 Installation/Administration/User Guide