Shown Element Type Description
Phasesthresholds Number field
Enter for eachphasethe current threshold:High Critical,High
Warning, Low Warningand Low Critical.
Number field
Enter thethresholdsfor eachenvironmentalsensor:High Critical,
HighWarning,Low Warningand Low Critical.
Applications - IPDU Power Mgmt. - Software Upgrade
An administrator can select Expert - Applications - IPDU Power Mgmt. - Software Upgrade to
upgrade software (firmware) for Cyclades PM IPDUs only. The screen shows the currently
installed software version on the selected IPDU. If a newer software version is available, you
can download new software for your IPDU using the following procedure.
To download Cyclades IPDU software:
Use this procedure to download software from the Avocent website.
1. Type http://www.avocent.com/web/en.nsf/Content/Cyclades_Download-PM in your
browser address field to open the Downloads page.
NOTE: Your web server mustbe inthesamesubnet astheconsoleserver.
2. Compare the displayed version number to the version shown in the Applications - IPDU
Power Mgmt. - Software Upgrade screen.
3. If a newer firmware version is available, click the Firmware link associated with the
appropriate version. The download starts.
4. After the download completes, copy the file into the /tmp folder and rename it with the
filename pmfirmware.
To upgrade software on a Cyclades PM IPDU [Expert]:
1. Select Power Mgmt. - Software Upgrade. The Software Upgrade screen is displayed.
2. Click Refresh. If a /tmp/pmfirmware exists containing a more recent version of the PM
firmware than the one currently installed, an Update button is displayed.
3. Click Update.
4. Click apply changes.
To upgrade software on non-Cyclades IPDUs:
Avocent SPC power devices are not user upgradable. For Server Technology IPDUs, upgrades
must be done through a network port. Contact Server Technology support to check if new
Chapter 6: Applications 61