• Edit default chains
• Delete user-added chains
• Add new chains
• Edit rules for chains
Edit button
Selecting one of the default chains and pressing the Edit button opens the Edit Chain dialog
Only the policy can be edited for a default chain. The options are ACCEPT and DROP.
NOTE: User-definedchainscannotbeedited. Ifa user-defined chainisselectedfor editing,anerror message is
displayed.If thismessageappears,clickOKtocontinue.
Delete button
If one of the user-defined chains is selected and the Delete button is pressed, the chain is
NOTE: Defaultchainscannotbedeleted. Ifoneof thedefaultchainsisselectedand the Deletebuttonispressed,
anerror message isdisplayed.Ifthismessage appears,clickOKto continue.
Add button
If the Add button is pressed, the Add Chain dialog box appears.
Adding a chain only creates a named entry for the chain. Rules must be configured for the
chain after it is added to the list of chains.
Edit Rules button
If the Edit Rules button is pressed, a form appears with a list of headings.
• Pressing the Add button opens the Add Rule dialog box.
• Selecting a rule and pressing the Edit button opens the Edit Rule dialog box.
• Selecting a rule and pressing the Up or Down buttons moves the rule up and down the list.
Options on the Add Rule and Edit Rule dialog boxes
The Add Rule and Edit Rule dialog boxes have the fields and options shown in the following
80 Cyclades
ACS5000 Installation/Administration/User Guide