Field Name Definition
RemoteIP TheIPaddressofthe slave.
FirstRemote TCPPort Number ThefirstTCPportnumber of theslave.Thedefaultis7001.
Thecommunicationprotocolused bytheSlave.The optionsareTelnet
or SSH.
Once you have configured the slave console server and defined the cluster parameters, the slave
serial ports and the connected devices are accessible from the master console server under the
Applications - Connect - Serial pull-down menu.
To cluster console servers or modify cluster configuration:
Use this procedure if you wish to cluster console servers and add or modify ports.
NOTE: The consoleserversshouldbeconnected individuallytoanIPnetwork. Theunitsshouldnot beîcascaded.
1. Go to Ports - Virtual Ports in Expert mode and click the Add button to add new slave
ports or click the Edit button to edit a slave port. The New/Modify Port dialog box
2. From the pull-down menu select the number of ports that you wish to assign as slaves.
Choices are 4, 8, 16, 32 and 48.
3. Enter the First Local Port Number. This is the first port number on the master.
4. Enter the Local IP address. This is the IP address of the master.
5. Enter the First Local TCP Port Number. This is the first TCP port number on the master.
6. Enter the Remote IP address. This is the IP address of the slave.
7. Enter the First Remote TCP Port Number. This is the first TCP port number of the slave.
The default is 7001.
8. Select the communication protocol between the master and the slave from the Protocol
pull-down menu. The options are Telnet or SSH.
To assign names to slave ports in the cluster
Selecting the Port Names button on the New/Modify Port dialog box displays the Port Names
Use this form to assign a name or alias to the slave ports in the cluster. Use a naming
convention for effective management of console server and the connected devices on your
Chapter 9: Ports Menu and Forms 125