1-99August 9, 2005
ERROR CODE E1113 Work sensing signal is not detected.
(sensing function)
This error occurs when the X-linear step is executed and the workpiece is not detected
before the robot axes reach coincidence of the taught point.
The sensing device or sensing device harness may be defective.
Set the accuracy range to a smaller value.
Repair or replace sensing device or sensing device harness.
ERROR CODE E1114 Interruption in cooperative control.
This error occurs when an error condition is generated for one robot during cooperative
motion in repeat mode operation.
Repair the cause of the interruption and reset the error.
ERROR CODE E1115 Force termination of cooperative control.
The program ended without executing the ALONE instruction in either the MASTER or
the SLAVE robot program. Both robots are stopped and cooperative motion is released.
Insert the ALONE instruction in either the MASTER or the SLAVE robot program.
ERROR CODE E1116 Spin axis is not stopped on every 360 degrees.
During spin, the robot or spin axis is stopped and the current pose is taught with the JT6
spin axis stopped at a position other than 0 degrees.
Main causes include:
1. EMERGENCY STOP switch is pressed.
2. HOLD/RUN switch is set to HOLD.
3. TEACH/REPEAT switch is set to TEACH.
Execute SPINRESET to correct the rotation angle of the JT6 spin axis to stop in 360
degree units.