1-89August 9, 2005
ERROR CODE E1063 JT2 and JT3 interfere during motion to end pose.
Movement from the current position to the end pose would cause JT2 and JT3 to move
beyond their limits.
Modify the position of the end pose of the program.
ERROR CODE E1064 Illegal pallet number.
This error occurs when a pallet number other than 1-9 is used with the PALUP instruc-
tion, or the PALLET function.
Ensure pallet number 1–9 is used.
ERROR CODE E1065 Illegal material number.
This error occurs when the work (part) number in a block step program instruction or the
pallet function is other than 1–999.
Ensure the work number is 1–999.
ERROR CODE E1066 Illegal pattern number.
Main causes include:
1. Program step does not comply with AS Language syntax.
2. Pattern number for work specified, using block step instructions or the PALLET func-
tion, is not between 1 and 5.
Refer to the D Series Controller AS Language Reference Manual for proper use of
the AS Language commands.
Ensure the work pattern number specified is correct.