1-55August 9, 2005
ERROR CODE D2028 (SSCNET) initialization error. (code XX).
The Mitsubishi single axis amplifier failed to initialize at controller power-up. A 2 byte
code follows the error message. The higher byte indicates axis number and the lower
byte indices the error code.
Higher byte:
0: system error.
Any other number: axis number that caused error.
Lower byte:
1: 1LP daughter board not installed to 1KB board.
3: Mitsubishi amplifier/motor not connected to the specified axis.
2, 4, 5: Other problems.
Lower byte 1: install 1LP board
Lower byte 3: connect amplifier or motor.
Lower byte 2, 4, 5: replace the 1LP board, amplifier or motor.
ERROR CODE D2029 Motor codes in software & Arm control b’d mismatch. (Jt-A)
Software and hardware motor code settings, of axis assigned to channel 7 (seventh
axis), do not match.
Ensure 1KB board dip switch S8 setting is correct.
Ensure correct AS and servo software are installed.
ERROR CODE D2030 Codes set in software and curr. sensor I/F b’d mismatch.
Software and hardware settings, for the axis assigned to channel 7 (seventh axis), do
not match 1KV board settings.
Ensure 1KB board dip switch S8 setting is correct.
Ensure correct AS and servo software are installed.