1-107August 9, 2005
ERROR CODE E1134 Abnormal work transfer pitch.
The signal for resetting the conveyor value is received before the conveyor reached the
position specified by the work transfer pitch.
Ensure the work transfer pitch is set correctly
Modify program data as necessary.
ERROR CODE E1135 Motor power OFF.
Displayed whenever an emergency stop is encountered.
Main causes include:
1. External EMERGENCY STOP switch is pressed.
2. Teach pendant or operation panel EMERGENCY STOP switch is pressed.
3. Emergency stop line is disconnected.
Reset emergency stop button and reapply motor power.
Repair emergency stop line as necessary.
ERROR CODE E1136 Standard terminal is not connected.
A PRINT, TYPE, or PROMPT command is specified for display on a PC that is not
Verify the PC connections and set-up, or modify, the commands for display on the
teach pendant.
ERROR CODE E1137 Cannot input/output to teach pendant.
Main causes include:
1. A PRINT, TYPE, or PROMPT command is specified for display on the teach pendant,
and a teach pendant connection is not present.
2. Incorrect setting for teach pendant connection.
3. Controller is unable to switch to the teach pendant keyboard screen in its current
Verify the teach pendant connections and set-up, or modify, the commands for display
on the PC.
Reset the teach pendant so switching to the keyboard screen is possible.