1-54 August 9, 2005
ERROR CODE D2024 [ARM CTRL BOARD] robot type setting failed.
System software is not compatible with the robot model set in the AS software.
Ensure the correct model setting is used
Ensure the correct software version is installed.
ERROR CODE D2025 Robot codes set in software and Arm ctrl board do not
Robot model hardware and software settings do not match.
Ensure 1KB board dip switch S2 setting is correct.
Use AUX 0804 or AS Language ID monitor command to ensure correct software
version is installed.
ERROR CODE D2026 Code set in software & curr. sensor I/F b’d do not match.
1GM daughter board on the 1KB board does not match hardware or software settings.
Ensure correct 1GM board is installed.
Ensure 1KB board dip switch S2 setting is correct.
Use AUX 0804 or AS Language ID monitor command to ensure correct software
version is installed.
ERROR CODE D2027 Codes set in software and power block do not match.
Power block settings and hardware or software settings do not match.
Ensure correct power block is installed.
Ensure power block jumper settings are correct.
Use AUX 0804 or AS Language ID monitor command to ensure correct software
version is installed.