1-65August 9, 2005
ERROR CODE E1004 Interbus board is not ready.
At 1JF board start-up, the board did not achieve the ready state within the required time.
Cycle controller power OFF and ON
Ensure the 1JF board is correctly installed.
Replace the 1JF board.
ERROR CODE E1005 Spin axis encoder difference error.
At controller power-up or RTSET execution, the current value is substantially different
than the calculated encoder value for the spin axis.
Perform the spin axis zeroing procedure (zeroing data is not set). Refer to the Spin
Control Function (Option) Manual for the spin axis zeroing procedure.
ERROR CODE E1006 Touch panel switch is short-circuited.
This error occurs if a touch panel key is pressed or the TEACH/REPEAT switch position
is changed during controller power-up.
Do not touch any touch panel keys or change the position of the TEACH/REPEAT
switch during controller power-up.
Replace the teach pendant.
ERROR CODE E1007 Power sequence board is not installed.
The first address of the No.1 1KP power sequence board cannot be read at controller
Main causes include:
1. The 1KP power sequence board is not installed in the correct card slot.
2. Jumper or dip switch settings of the 1KP power sequence board are incorrect.
3. Defective 1KP power sequence board.
Ensure the 1KP board DSW1 setting is configured as power sequence board No. 1
and is installed in the 1KP card rack slot. Check and replace the board if necessary.