1-139August 9, 2005
ERROR CODE E5033 Cannot weld because of abnormal thickness.
(Servo spot weld gun only)
The thickness of the workpiece is out of tolerance.
Main causes include:
1. Defective workpiece.
2. Incorrect positioning of the workpiece.
3. A gap between the two panels being welded.
4. Current tip wear (AUX 1029) and actual tip wear are different.
Inspect the workpiece. Measure the thickness and positioning; replace workpiece
and/or correct abnormal positioning.
Execute the tip wear measurement program. Manually measure the tip wear; com-
pare these measurements to the current tip wear data (AUX 1029).
ERROR CODE E5034 Tip wear exceeds limit. (MOVING SIDE)
Moving tip wear exceeds the set maximum wear limit during wear measurement.
Replace the moving tip.
ERROR CODE E5035 Tip wear exceeds limit. (FIXED SIDE)
Fixed tip wear exceeds the set maximum wear limit during wear measurement.
Replace the fixed tip
ERROR CODE E6001 Step after XD(2)START must be LMOVE or HMOVE.
Incorrect motion instruction is taught. The step following XD(2)START requires an
LMOVE or HMOVE motion instruction for touch sensing.
Ensure the step following XD(2)START is an LMOVE or HMOVE