1-94 August 9, 2005
ERROR CODE E1086 Start point for Jt XX beyond motion range.
Robot pose at motion start is beyond the range set in AUX 0507.
DO HOME is executed at a point that is out of motion range set in AUX 0507.
Correct pose to within working envelope or expand software limits to accept pose.
ERROR CODE E1087 End location point for Jt XX beyond motion range.
Main causes include:
1. Jt XX at a taught point is beyond the motion range set in AUX 0507.
2. With a servo spot weld gun installed, if a taught point is near the motion range limit
for an axis, the robot motion that results from performing tip wear compensation in
repeat/check mode causes the robot to exceed the motion range limit.
3. Taught data for the gun axis is out of motion range.
Taught data is changed from a gun released to a gun connected state without any
corresponding change in pose data.
Correct pose to within motion range or expand software limits in AUX 0507 to accept
Correct the correct data so that the robot motion is within motion range with the gun
ERROR CODE E1088 Destination is out of motion range.
While executing a motion to a step, the software calculated the pose destination of all
joints to be outside of the allowable upper or lower software limits.
Correct pose to within motion range or expand software limits to accept pose.
ERROR CODE E1089 Cannot do linear motion in current configuration.
System software determined that the start and end points of a linear or circular move
will cause the robot to exceed the acceptable motion parameters.
Change motion interpolation to a joint move; move the pose to avoid configuration