1-121August 9, 2005
ERROR CODE E4025 TCP/IP) Connection aborted.
Communication is disconnected during execution of the UDP_SENDTO/
tion. May be a problem with the Ethernet line or at the target end node.
Check the communication line to the target end node and repair as necessary.
ERROR CODE E4026 TCP/IP) No Buffer Space.
A communication error occurred during execution of the UDP_SENDTO/
UDP_RECVFROM/TCP_SEND/TCP_RECV instruction. TCP/IP resources (queue or
buffer) may be full.
Stop any other TCP/IP functions operating at the same time.
Cycle robot controller power OFF and ON.
Check the communication line to the target end node and repair as necessary.
ERROR CODE E4027 TCP/IP) Bad Socket.
Failed to connect with the target end node when executing the UDP_SENDTO/
UDP_RECVFROM/TCP_CONNECT instruction. Designated port number or IP address
may be wrong. May be a problem with the Ethernet line or at the target end node.
Ensure the port number and the IP address are correct.
Ensure the parameter settings comply with AS Language syntax.
Check the communication line to the target end node and repair as necessary.
ERROR CODE E4028 FTP) Data receive error. (code=XX)
Failure to receive the teach data via LAN→Memory (Manual LOAD), or the LAN file
directory information list. May be a communication cable connection problem.
Ensure the communication cable connections are correct and re-execute.