1-165August 9, 2005
ERROR CODE P0131 No. of dimension in array exceeds 3.
Attempted to create an array variable with more than 3 dimensions.
Example: “point[3,5,7,9]=1” returns an error.
Use 3 or less dimensions (elements) in an array.
Example: “point[1,2,3]=1” is correct and does not return an error.
ERROR CODE P0132 Array variable already exists.
Attempted to create an array variable with a different number of dimensions (elements)
with the same name as an existing array variable .
Example: If array variable “test[1]” exists, an array variable “test[1,2]” cannot be defined.
Confirm array variable exists. Select new name for the array variable with a different
number of dimensions (elements).
Example: “sample[1,2]”
ERROR CODE P0133 Non array variable exists.
Attempted to create an array variable with the same name as an existing real variable.
Example: “x=1” is entered, then “y=x[1]” is entered and an error is returned because
real variable “x” already exists.
Confirm real variable exists. Select new name for array variable.
ERROR CODE P0134 Array variable expected.
A real value array name is not used as the array variable for a DECOMPOSE
Example: “DECOMPOSE x=point” returns an error.
Enter real value array name in compliance with AS Language syntax and format.
Example: “DECOMPOSE x[1]=point” is correct and an error is not returned.