1-104 August 9, 2005
ERROR CODE E1126 Commanded speed error Jt XX.
This error occurs when the positional command value sent to the 1KB board from the
1KA board exceeds the value range.
Main causes include:
1. A sudden change in robot motion.
2. Defective 1KA/1KB board.
3. Corrupt AS software caused the commanded speed value to exceed motor capacity
Modify program data to eliminate sudden changes in robot motion.
Replace the 1KB board.
Replace the 1KA board.
Replace the 1KX board (motherboard).
Reload software for the 1KB board and/or 1KA board.
ERROR CODE E1127 Command acceleration error Jt XX.
This error occurs when the amount of change in the speed value, sent to the 1KB board
from the 1KA board, exceeds the value range.
Main causes include:
1. Sudden change in robot motion.
2. Defective 1KA/1KB board.
3. Corrupt AS software caused the commanded acceleration value to exceed motor
capacity rating.
Modify program data to eliminate sudden changes in robot motion.
Replace the 1KB board.
Replace the 1KA board.
Replace the 1KX board (motherboard).
Reload software for the 1KB board and/or 1KA board.