1-148 August 9, 2005
ERROR CODE E6516 Wire check failure.
(Touch sensing)
Main causes include:
1. The position of a taught point is recorded too far from the workpiece, and the wire tip
did not touch the work within the allowed time.
2. The weld wire is not sent due to the welding unit power off etc.
Reteach point at the correct distance
Ensure workpiece is within specifications and is properly placed.
Check the welding machine for power and press CYCLE START to manually feed
wire for five seconds.
Check the wire supply, wire feeder, and welding equipment and repair/replace as
ERROR CODE E6517 incorrect weld condition number.
The weld condition number, is not within the acceptable range (1–20).
Example: W1SET 100=60, 250, 28, 2, 3 Weld condition 100 is out of range (1–20).
Set weld condition within range.
Example: W1SET 1=60, 250, 28, 2, 3
ERROR CODE E6518 No weld condition data set.
Weld data is not set in the weld condition number specified.
Example: Weld condition 1 is not set for LWC #a1, 1
Ensure weld data is set in the specified weld condition number used.
Example: W1SET 1=60, 250, 28, 2, 3