1-131August 9, 2005
ERROR CODE E5007 Servo weld gun not connected or wrong gun connected.
(Servo spot weld gun only)
Main causes include:
1. The robot executes a step when a gun is not attached to the tool changer.
2. The gun number in the tool changer is different than the gun number specified for the
program step.
3. Incorrect gun number is read due to damaged gun harness.
Execute the step in manual mode or manually install the correct gun. In the teach or
check mode, verify connection of the gun by pressing the connect/separate button.
If the correct gun is attached to the tool changer, confirm that the gun signal number
(AUX 0605-41, GUN CONNECTION SIGNAL) is correct. From the MONITOR (IN-
PUT SIGNAL) screen, confirm that the signal number is received.
Inspect the connections between the gun and the 1FG board and repair as neces-
Check gun harness and connections and repair/replace as necessary.
Temporarily set the gun connect signal number (AUX 0605-41, GUN CONNECTION
SIGNAL) to 0 (when the gun connect number is set to 0, the error is not detected);
ensure that the correct gun is in the tool changer. Repair the gun connection and set
the gun connect signal number as soon as possible.
ERROR CODE E5008 Tip wear measurement (stage 1) was not executed.
(Servo spot weld gun only)
The tip wear measurement program stage 2 (reference plate) is attempted, without first
performing stage 1.
Execute tip wear measurement program stage 1 prior to executing stage 2.
ERROR CODE E5009 Work sensing signal (gun_tip touch signal) is not set.
(Servo spot weld gun only)
A workpiece thickness measurement is attempted, when the gun tip touch signal (set in
AUX 1021) has not been received.
Set the gun tip touch signal number (AUX 1021).