1-125August 9, 2005
ERROR CODE E4056 TCP) This port is not in LISTEN (SOCK).
Main causes include:
1. Failure to open the socket when executing TCP_ACCEPT.
2. Failure to close the socket when executing TCP_END_LISTEN.
Ensure correct port number is used.
Ensure the parameter settings are entered in compliance with AS Language syntax.
ERROR CODE E4057 TCP) Illegal Socket ID.
Communication error occurred when executing TCP_SEND/TCP_RECV, or failure to
close socket when executing TCP_CLOSE/TCP_END_LISTEN.
Main causes include:
1. The socket ID number or port number is not created.
2. Incorrect program execution order.
Ensure the correct socket ID number or port number is used
Ensure the program execution order is correct
ERROR CODE E4058 Failed download to FDD/PC_CARD driver board.
Failed to download software to the floppy disk driver board or the PC card driver board
(1KF board).
Ensure proper 1KF board software download settings are used
It the error recurs, replace the 1KF board.
ERROR CODE E4500 ANYBUS) IN-AREA request timeout. XX
Main causes include:
1. Error lamp ON:
Request for access to the output signal writing area is rejected due to hardware
2. Error lamp OFF:
Access to the output signal writing area is not released due to hardware abnormality.
Check LED indicator on the interface card, and reset the error.
If the error message is still displayed, contact KRI customer service, include the sub-
code XX.