1-144 August 9, 2005
ERROR CODE E6505 Arc weld insulation defect.
This error occurs when robot movement causes insulation failure.
Ensure the welder, torch, and robot insulation are in good working condition.
ERROR CODE E6506 Torch interference.
The limit switch for torch interference detection is tripped or damaged.
After the error is reset the robot can be moved in teach mode. The robot cannot be
moved in repeat mode until the limit switch is reset.
Move the robot away from the interference to close the limit switch. Inspect the torch
for damage.
Determine the cause of the interference before continuing operation.
Replace damaged limit switch and/or harness, as necessary.
ERROR CODE E6507 Illegal interpolation data.
A welding step is taught as joint interpolation with arc welding specification software.
Welding steps must use linear or circular interpolation for arc welding specification
software. Ensure the interpolation is correct.
ERROR CODE E6509 No work detected.
(Touch sensing)
Occurs when touch sensing does not detect the workpiece within the range of the touch
sensing distance set in system data, or no workpiece is present.
Reset the workpiece in the proper position.
Increase the range of touch sensing distance in system data (increases touch sens-
ing time)