1-155August 9, 2005
ERROR CODE E6538 Beyond RTPM tracking ability.
Occurs when the current tracking value exceeds the threshold value and the number of
times value set for RTPM tracking ability errors.
If the threshold is set at 9 mm, and the number of times is set at 30, the error occurs
after 30 weave cycles and the path deviates more than 9 mm from the original welding
Main causes include:
1. Weld start-point is too far from the groove.
2. Defective weld controller/timer, or weld controller/timer set OFF.
3. The deviation error detection value is set too low.
Ensure the welding start point is taught in the groove. Starting outside the groove will
cause this error
Execute a weld, without the RTPM function, to ensure the weld controller/timer is
operating properly.
Modify fixturing and/or part to minimize the required correction.
Verify the linearization table is correct by comparing the current reading indicated on
the weld controller/timer to the current value set in the weld condition number.
If the welding groove is being tracked normally, the deviation error detection value
may be set too low. Increase the value.
ERROR CODE E6539 AVC tracking value is out of range.
The tracking deviation value, used as the threshold for error detection, is exceeded
Main causes include:
1. Weld start-point is too far from the groove.
2. Defective weld controller/timer, or weld controller/timer set OFF.
3. The deviation error detection value is set too low.
Ensure the welding start point is taught in the groove. Starting outside the groove will
cause this error
Execute a weld with AVC disabled, to ensure the weld controller/timer is operating
If the welding groove is being tracked normally, the deviation error detection value
may be set too low. Increase the value.