1-116 August 9, 2005
ERROR CODE E4004 Communication retry error.
Communication retry error during Host Communication I.
Main causes include:
1. No response after sending text.
2. After text is sent, NAK (resend request) exceeded the allowed number of retries.
Ensure communication protocol used for Host Communication I is correct.
Check the communication cable and replace as necessary.
ERROR CODE E4005 Communication process was stopped.
During Host Communication I, a stop monitor command (ABORT, PCABORT, etc.) is
executed during execution of SEND/RECEIVE.
Re-execute the EXECUTE, PCEXECUTE, etc. command.
ERROR CODE E4006 Receive no data after request.
During Host Communication I, text data is not received within the allowed time after the
data request is sent.
Ensure communication protocol used for Host Communication I is correct.
Check the communication cable and replace as necessary.
ERROR CODE E4007 Receiving data is too long (MAX=255 character).
During Host Communication I, an attempt to receive a string with more than 255 charac-
ters is made.
Ensure communication protocol used for Host Communication I is correct.
ERROR CODE E4008 Abnormal data (EOT) received in communication.
During Host Communication I, abnormal code (EOT) is received and the communication
process is stopped.
Ensure communication protocol used for Host Communication I is correct.