1-153August 9, 2005
ERROR CODE E6533 No RTPM board.
Main causes include:
1. The software for RTPM option is installed, but the hardware (1FH board) is not in-
stalled properly.
2. Hardware for RTPM (1FH board) is installed, but the software for RTPM option is not
2. The software and hardware (1FH board) are installed, but controller power was not
cycled OFF and ON after RTPM option is set-up.
Ensure the 1FH board is properly installed.
Reseat the 1FH board and connectors
Perform RTPM option set-up procedure and cycle controller power OFF and ON.
ERROR CODE E6534 Too many taught points for RTPM.
Occurs when the number of taught points, between the weld start point and the weld
end point, exceeds 127 points
Reteach program points, not to exceed 127 RTPM points
ERROR CODE E6535 RTPM arc sensor error.
Exceeded the number of weaves set for arc sensor fault detection, and the lateral (+)
and (-) values for current are less than 10 A, more than 490 A, or the difference is
0.2 A, or less.
Main causes include:
1. Weld start-point is too far from the groove.
2. Defective weld controller/timer, or weld controller/timer set OFF.
Ensure the wiring for the current sensor for RTPM is not loose or disconnecte
Ensure the weld start-point is taught in the welding groove.
Ensure the welder is powered-up and in normal operating condition.
Weld with RTPM disabled, check for problems with the weld controller/timer and
repair/replace as necessary.