1-61August 9, 2005
ERROR CODE E0108 Divided by zero.
Occurs when the system encounters a mathematical evaluation that involves division by
“0”. Typically associated with the FRAME function and circular interpolation.
Check data source for calculations.
ERROR CODE E0109 Floating point overflow.
Occurs when the system encounters a numeric floating point overflow in using arith-
metic (+, -, *, /) or logical (AND, OR, etc.) operators. This also occurs when converting a
numeric argument to an integer value.
Correct the program. Integer values with full precision ranges are from -16,777,216
to 16,777,216. For more information refer to the D Series Controller AS Language
Reference Manual.
ERROR CODE E0110 String too long.
Character strings associated with arithmetic or comparative operators or the LEN func-
tion are too long (255 character maximum).
Correct the character string.
ERROR CODE E0111 Attempted operation with neg. exponent.
Numeric values that have exponents must be positive in value.
Correct equations in program.
ERROR CODE E0112 Too complicated expression.
Encountered numeric calculation too complex to be evaluated.
Simplify mathematical equations.